Research Articles: Hanna-Kaisa Rajala & Hanna Pohjola: Loukkaantuminen muutoksen mahdollisuutena: holistinen näkökulma tanssin ammattilaisen loukkaantumiskokemukseen
Lena Hammergren: Att tala – att dansa: om metaforens betydelse inom danspedagogik
Birgitte Nordahl Husebye & Kristine Høeg Karlsen: «Oj, skal vi gjøre dette i dag?» Lærerstudenter og lærerutdanneres meningsdanning i en workshop i dans som praktisk-estetisk fag
Practice Oriented Articles: Fox Marttinen: A Perspective on Teaching Contemporary Ballet
Anette Sture Iversen: Core Elements in the Training of Upper Secondary School Dance Pupils in Norway
Lena Hammergren: Embodied Curriculum Theory and Research in Arts Education: A Dance Scholar’s Search for Meaning
The editorial board
Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 1 Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 2 Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 3 Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 3(2) Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 4(1) Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 4(2) Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 15(1)
Guidelines for research articles
Guidelines for practice oriented articles
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