

Research Articles
Sarah Pini: Cognitive Ecologies of Presence(S) in Three Different Dance Forms

Irene Velten Rothmund
: Dance Technique and Power Dynamics in Higher Education: A literature review

Hanna Järvinen, Lena Hammergren, Elizabeth Svarstad, Petri Hoppu and Astrid von Rosen:
Choreographing Histories: Critical Perspectives on Dance Histories in Nordic Dance Practices and Scholarship

Emerging Scholar
Martina Cayul Ibarra: A Swan Lake: Exploring the Materiality of Water in Alexander Ekman’s Ballet

Practice Oriented Articles
Carolina Bäckman: Car(ry)ing the Past, Present, and Future–A Deep Dive into Danish Dance Stories

Performing relationality: Weaving Bodies, Movement and Things
Eva Meyer-Keller and Julia Schade: A Conversation About What it Means to Work Collaboratively in Between Practice and Rresearch

Esther Wrobel: Unfolding Microgravity and the Interplay Between Awe, Wonder, Curiosity, and Humility in Artistic Research

Gun Lund
: Digital Footprints–Technology and Equality

Charlotte Østergaard
: Listening Through and With Costume

Off-topicResearch Articles
Hanna Pohjola, Eytan Sivak and Åsa N. Åström: Performing With Parkinson’s: Leaving Traces

Anna Öberg and Charlotta Ruth: Passing On—The Power of Oral Transmission

Susanna Hannus: GuiDance of Butterflies: Practicing Ecosomatics and Dancing Towards More Sensitive Bodily Presence and Planetary Feeling

Issue editor
Franziska Bork Petersen (DK)

The editorial board
Franziska Bork Petersen, Denmark
Laura Navndrup Black, Denmark
Raisa Foster, Finland
Leena Rouhiainen, Finland

Sesselja G. Magnúdóttir, Iceland
Anette Sture Iversen, Norway
Hilde Rustad, Norway
Elizabeth Svarstad, Norway
Andreas Berchtold, Sweden
Katarina Lion, Sweden

Read the full volume here

Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 1
Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 2
Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 3
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 3(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 4(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 4(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 15(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 5(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 5(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 6(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 6(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 7(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 7(2)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 8(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 8(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 9(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 9(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 10(1+2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 11(1)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 11(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 12(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 12(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 13(1)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 13(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 14(2)

Call for contributions - three categories
Present your work in Nordic Journal of Dance: practice, education and research.

Guidelines for research articles

Guidelines for practice oriented articles

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