
Practical Papers:
Christine Fentz: Together We Know More than We Do Alone:
Sharing Some of the Thoughts Behind the “keðja encounter
Questioning Agendas”, Aarhus 2011

Kasper Daugaard & Amalie Ørum: Kunsten at pille et løg:
Fra kogekunst til koreografi – indblik i en koreografisk proces

  Research Papers:
Stine Degerbøl: Et fast greb i rebet - om Claras levede erfaringer som nycirkus artistelev

Riikka Korppi-Tommola: The Cultural Context of Reception:
Merce Cunningham and John Cage in Helsinki in 1964

Gudbjörg Arnardóttir: Dance Math for Upper Comprehensive School

Bert Persson: More Ideas for Dance in Schools

  The editorial board
  Issue editor:
Board members:
  Leena Rouhiainen, Finland

Eeva Anttila, Finland
Gudbjörg Arnardóttir, Iceland
Elisabet Sjöstedt Edelholm, Sweden
Anette Sture Iversen, Norway
Kristine Høeg Karlsen, Norway
Sesselja G. Magnusdóttir, Iceland
Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, Denmark
Ingrid Redbark-Wallander, Sweden
  DIU logo

Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 1
Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 2
Nordic Journal of Dance, Volume 3
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 4(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 4(2)
NordicJournal of Dance. Volume 5(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 15(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 5(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 6(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 6(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 7(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 7(2)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 8(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 8(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 9(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 9(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 10(1+2)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 11(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 11(2)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 12(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 12(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 13(1)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 13(2)
Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 14(1)

Nordic Journal of Dance. Volume 14(2)

Guidelines for research article

Guidelines for practice oriented articles

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