
To document and reflect upon the work being done within dance and education in the Nordic countries from kinder garden to higher education
To increase the reflections around dance and pedagogy from the teachers and practitioners perspective
To exchange reflections on experiences within dance and pedagogy
To build networks within dance in education in the Nordic countries
Articles should have a clear perspective relating to the purpose of the journal
Editorial board:
Articles may be edited by the editorial board
1. Length
The article/texts manuscripts can be 10 pages, or less in length including footnotes, references as well as illustrations.
2. Formatting
Type the text in 12 point Times New Roman font or variation such as Times or Times Roman. Also headings should be written in 12 point. Use line-spacing 1.5 throughout (even quotations). Do not use page numbering.
3. Spacing
Use line-spacing 1,5 in the main body of the text. Separate paragraphs with double-space.
4. Pictures and illustrations
The articles can include illustrations and pictures. Digital forms are preferred. Pictures images should be sent jpeg or tiff files 300dpi. Photos should include captions. Copyright should be asked from photographers as well as persons in pictures.
5. References inside the main text and endnotes:
Mark references in parenthesis inside the text using Chicago Manual of Style.
Mark notes as endnotes. Use the automatic endnote-numbering system in the Word programme. Write a separate bibliography following the guidelines below.
You can use italics for concepts and names. Direct quotations that are longer than two lines: indented: 2cm margins on each side without quotation marks.
Notes and bibliographies should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 14th ed. (author-date citation system).
Citing Print Resources
Type of Entry |
Bibliography |
Footnote |
Book with more than one author |
Komisar, Lucy. The New Feminism. New York: Franklin Watts, 1971.
1. Lucy Komisar, The New Feminism (New York: Franklin Watts, 1971), 79. |
Book with single author |
Ginsberg, Eli and Robert M. Solow, eds. The Great Society.New York: Basic Books, 1974. |
2. Eli Ginsberg and Robert M. Solow, eds., The Great Society(New York: Basic Books, 1974), 11.
Book with corporate author
International Monetary Fund. Surveys of African Economies. Vol.7, Algeria, Mali, Morocco, and Tunisia. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1977. |
3. International Monetary Fund. Surveys of African Economies. Vol.7, Algeria, Mali, Morocco, and Tunisia.(Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1977). |
Chapter from a book |
Phibbs, Brendan. "Herrlisheim: Diary of a Battle." In The Other Side of Time: Combat Surgeon in World War II. Boston: Little, Brown, 1987. |
4. Phibbs, Brendan. "Herrlisheim: Diary of a Battle." In The Other Side of Time: Combat Surgeon in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1987), 117-63. |
Journal article |
Bodonski, Ilya. "Caring among the Forgotten." Journal of Social Activism 14 (fall 1989):112-34. |
5. Bodonski, Ilya. "Caring among the Forgotten." Journal of Social Activism 14 (fall 1989):112-34. |
Newspaper article with no author |
Wall Street Journal 1 November 1992. |
6. Editorial, Wall Street Journal, 1 November 1992. |
Encyclopedia article |
Encyclopedia Britannica 11th ed., s.v. "cold war." |
7. Encyclopedia Britannica 11th ed., s.v. "cold war." |
Monographic series |
Davidoff, R. A. Migraine: manifestations, pathogenesis, and management. Contemporary neurology series, vol. 42. Philadelphia: F.A.Davis, 1995. |
8. Davidoff, R. A. Migraine: manifestations, pathogenesis, and management. Contemporary neurology series, vol. 42. Philadelphia: F.A.Davis, 1995. |
Electronic source |
"Jericho Walls." In History Log9008 [electronic bulletin board]. S.1 27 August 1990- [cited 15 December 1990]. Available form listserv @ FINHUT.BITNET. |
9. "Jericho Walls." In History Log9008 [electronic bulletin board]. S.1 27 August 1990- [cited 15 December 1990]. Available form listserv @ FINHUT.BITNET. |
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