Artikkeli tarkastelee fyysisen loukkaantumisen vammautumiskokemusta holistisesta näkökulmasta. Kolmen |
This article focuses on describing the experience of sustaining a physical injury from a holistic perspective. Based on interviews of three dancers/dance teachers, the data suggest that an injury experience and the related recovery process change the individual meaning-relationships profoundly. For example, an injured dance professional is able to question the body ideals and the methods of dance training that focus merely on the object body. In addition, dance training that endangers health as well as model-based teaching methods are perceived critically. Dance professionals who have overcome injuries have not only a heightened awareness of their own bodies but also an increased respect for and sense of responsibility towards themselves. Injuries also invoke critical examination of the underlying circumstances behind the injury itself to enable self-development and a change of perspective in relation to working in the field of dance. Acceptance of the injury enables the person to consider the future; it clarifies social responsibilities and values and facilitates one’s having pedagogical perspectives that are based on perceiving one’s body as a subject as well as respecting the bodies of others |