Research articles are expected to present theoretical and conceptual frameworks, discussion on methodology, data gathering, analysis and findings related to diverse dance practices and artistic processes as well as learning and teaching dance/movement in the Nordic context. The manuscripts will undergo a blind peer review process.
The maximum length of the submitted article is 6000 words including references and possible endnotes. Articles can be written in English or one of the Nordic languages. They can include alternative textual formats (for example, illustrations, poems, dialogue).
In a separate document, please include two abstracts of a maximum length of 200 words: one written in the language used for the article and the other in a Nordic language (for articles in English) or in English (for articles written in native language), and a 100 word biography.
Also, include a separate page with the name(s) of the author(s), title of the manuscript. Please indicate clearly that you intend to submit the manuscript for peer review.
By submitting an article to Nordic Journal of Dance, the author accepts that the manuscript cannot be evaluated by other journals simultaneously.
- Type the text in 12 point font
- Use line-spacing 1.5 throughout (even quotations)
- Separate paragraphs with double-space
- Capitalize the title in the top left margin of page one
- Leave two blank spaces above all headings and one below
- Type all headings, titles and names in ordinary type, using capitals only where they are necessary. Never use capitals throughout headings, titles or names
- Mark page numbers at the lower right corner of the paper
- Do not use bold typing or underlining
- Use italics in titles of books, newspapers, journals, periodicals, art works etc.
- Use English (UK) spelling for your own text, but give the original spelling for quotations (American, etc.). Use -ize and -ization, in preference to -ise and –isation
- Do not use full stop after Dr, Mr, Mrs, and similar abbreviations ending with the same letter as the full form. Other abbreviations take the full stop (Esc., p.m., etc.), except capitals used in abbreviations of journals (PMLA, NTS) or of organizations (UNESCO)
- For dates use only the form 15 May 2005
- Write out in full “do not”, “will not”, etc.
- Use minimal numerals, that is, use only what is needed, but a minimum of two numbers: 1882-92, 141-42; 13-15; 111-19
- Write numbers up to ten and including ten as words, numbers above 11 and including 11 as numbers
- Write centuries in full. Hyphenate only the adjectival use: “seventeenth-century drama”, but “the theatre in the seventeenth century”.
Photos, pictures and illustrations
The articles can include photos, illustrations and/or pictures. All copyright issues must be cleared and all relevant information (name of the photographer, performance, performers, location, date) and captions must be provided by the author. Clearly number the photos/figures and specify where they will be inserted in the manuscript. Name the photos starting with the word photo (or figure/illustration where relevant), followed by a number that refers to the order in which they will appear, and then add the first three words of the title of your manuscript (for example: Photo1DanceInSchools). Send all photos etc. via the free WeTransfer –service (
References inside the main text, endnotes, and list of references
- Mark references in parenthesis inside the text using Chicago Manual of Style/author-date system
- The use of ibid./op. cit. is not recommended
- Indent direct quotations that are longer than two lines and omit quotation marks
- Use endnotes instead of footnotes, only when necessary
- Write a separate list of references following the guidelines pertaining to CMS/author-date system but reverse all authors’ names, instead of just the first author’s name.