The author curated keðja aarhus Questioning Agendas, a part of the Nordic-Baltic keðja encounter for dance professionals – this one taking place in Aarhus, September 2011. The focus of the encounter was to challenge the known formats of conferences and gatherings, as well as the awareness of the dance environment regarding our surrounding society: How to create formats, which facilitate dynamic structure for exchanging and sharing knowledge? What formats can keep us alert so that we continue questioning not only how we do what we do, but also why we do it? If we accept the idea that together we know more than alone, then the arts sector would be the best place to develop the learning structures for and of the future.
Skribenten kuratede keðja aarhus Questioning Agendas, en del af det nordisk-baltiske keðja encounter for dansens professionelle – og dette fandt sted i Aarhus, september 2011. Fokus var at udfordre de kendte formater for konferencer, workshops o.lign., såvel som at udfordre dansemiljøets bevidsthed om det omgivende samfund: Hvordan skabe formater, der faciliteterer dynamiske strukturer for udveksling og videndeling? Hvilke formater kan holde os årvågne, så vi bliver ved med at spørge ikke kun hvordan vi gør, det vi gør, men også hvorfor vi gør det? Hvis vi accepterer den opfattelse, at vi ved mere sammen end alene, er kunstens verden det sted, hvor fremtidens lærestrukturer kan udvikles